The Financial Activist Playbook

8 Strategies for Everyday People to Reclaim Wealth & Collective Well-Being

The Book

The money myths end here. 

We don’t need to choose between creating meaningful wealth for ourselves and our families today, or supporting social movements creating a better tomorrow. We don’t all need to become certified financial “experts” to be economically empowered and make a real difference in our communities. And we’re far from powerless when it comes to changing the financial system, just because we don’t happen to belong to the 1%. Quite the opposite.

Financial activism is how everyday people radically reimagine money as a tool for widespread well-being, instead of a weapon of absurdly increasing inequality.

It’s the antidote to traditional finance that evokes confusion, trauma, and (in the best-case scenario) straight-up boredom. It’s how we — the underestimated — collectively resist systems that cause harm to people and the planet for the sake of profit, reclaim wealth that’s been stolen, and redesign our relationships with capital and one another, in ways big and small.

Going beyond tried financial literacy, The Financial Activist Playbook offers eight accessible, actionable, “choose-your-own-adventure” strategies for readers to experiment with. Drawing on timely insider knowledge from the worlds of impact investing, social justice, and more, Rashid illuminates a treasure trove of stories: demonstrating how people power can flow big bucks out of extractive industries, and into the economy of care and abundance we deserve. 

Playbook readers will be equipped to start visualizing & influencing the unique networks of wealth all around each of us,

with strategies like

  • Shifting collective budgets and bank dollars;

  • Flexing our role as everyday philanthropists;

  • Leveraging the magic of community investment;

  • And so much more. 

Laced with refreshing humor, empowering exercises, and a steadfast commitment to truth-telling, Rashid takes readers on an energizing ride of financial possibility and practicality that will reverberate for generations to come. 

The Strategies

  • By refusing to accept that talking about money is “taboo,” we become equipped to champion transparency, challenge economic inequality, and empower others to advocate for a fairer economy.

  • By fighting predatory practices and reclaiming how banks invest our money, our savings can grow and flow toward building the next economy.

  • By owning our collective agency as consumers, we can influence which businesses we leave behind in the extractive economy, and which will flourish alongside us into the future.

  • By leaning into generosity and accepting assistance from peers, we can fund the ease we each deserve while redefining philanthropy for good.

  • By recognizing different forms of capital, we make visible the existing networks of wealth all around us, and open new opportunities for community thriving.

  • By looking into the plans for how money moves, we get to take control over who and what our dollars fund.

  • By reclaiming how and why we invest, we can redirect the flow of money away from corporate control and Wall Street, and into everyday abundance and Main Street.

  • By designing new ways to work (and not work) for financial stability, we can multiply collective flourishing beyond our wildest dreams.


  • "Anyone who cares about justice and equity should read Jasmine Rashid's new book. She's an incredible financial activist and storyteller, and her book is a fascinating guide on how to shift the flow of power and money to support collective well-being."

    — Deb Nelson, Founder, Just Economy Institute

  • “As women of color, as immigrant women, as queer and gender-expansive communities, what does it look like to live in an economy that values the wealth of our experiences, our solutions, our dreams, and our leadership? I am so grateful for Jasmine Rashid’s Financial Activist Playbook. She gives us inspiring examples and practical wisdom for anyone looking for affirmation and evidence that we can transform patriarchy and racial capitalism and liberate true wealth, rooted in justice and love.”

    – Bia Vieira, CEO, Women’s Foundation California

  • "The Playbook is a rallying call for everyday people to take charge of their financial destinies through activism. Rashid's inspiring strategies lay out a clear roadmap to reclaim wealth and contribute to collective well-being. A must-read for anyone ready to turn the page on outdated financial norms and embark on a journey towards lasting change and a new economy."

    — Adriana Abizadeh, Executive Director, Kensington Corridor Trust

  • “A critical, compelling and empowering book that unequivocally illustrates why we all need to—and how we all can—take responsibility for our own finances. Rashid deftly proves that knowledge equals wealth, that wealth equals opportunity, and that opportunity is the ultimate privilege.”

    — Josie Cox, Journalist and Author, WOMEN MONEY POWER

  • "This book has inspired me immensely. Readers will quickly realize this is an excellent primer for the awakening investor, packed with valuable information and plenty of fun."

    – Joel Solomon, Investor and Author, The Clean Money Revolution